Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Birthday, Alaska!

Today I am thankful for . . .

1007.  The gift of Doing Nothing This Evening.  I've watched two television shows that I never watch anymore on a regular basis (crime-type dramas), I and got caught-up on some on-line banking.  The boys are gone, and therefore I'm taking a break from my homeschooling duties as well.  Tomorrow night it's the return of "normal" around here, so I'm just taking it easy tonight and I'm not going to feel guilty about it.  In a few minutes I'll be going to watch the season finale of Project Runway 10!

1008.  The gift of My Birthday Dog, Alaska.  Today is her 7th birthday.  I love this dog so much--she's truly one of my best companions.


1009.  The gift of The Nearing of Christmas Holidays.  I got my work schedule for December today, and it isn't going to be pretty.  Due to the fact that there are holidays, and I still have to work the same number of days that I do in a "regular" month (which typically has more work days for full-time employees), I've got to cram in a lot of work in a short amount of time.  Hopefully that means the month of December will zoom by.

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