Monday, August 27, 2007

Ear We Go Again

This afternoon we are off to see an ear, throat and nose specialist, in the hopes of the doctor being able to remove the piece of eraser from Ty's ear canal.

I am quite apprehensive about this, based on how badly Ty (re)acted on Friday night when the first unsuccessful attempt at removing the eraser was made. Like I said, worse case scenario is that even this specialist will have to resort to sedating Ty in order to accomplish his mission. But I really don't want that to happen. However, I fear that it will happen.

Ty may never want to see another doctor again.

If you think of us today, please pray for the following:
a) that I will remain calm, cool and collected throughout this ordeal. I don't want Ty to know how much anxiety this is causing me;
b) that the first attempt at removing the eraser will be successful;
c) that Ty will remain calm and still so that the doctor can do his job effectively;
d) that no permanent damage to Ty's ear drum has occurred as a result of this;
e) that Ty's experience won't be so horrible (again) that he is scared of doctors for a long time.

Thanks! I'll post an update later to let you all know how the appointment went.

P.S. Apparently retrieving foreign objects from an ear canal in a child isn't as common as I thought it was. The receptionist from the doctor's office who called to set up the appointment informed me that it is very rare for the doctor to perform such a procedure. That made me feel so much better. NOT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eek! I hope it went smoothly! :(

I just wanted to take a second to thank you very much for the extra sweet comment you left at my site the other day! I have been lurking at your blog as well since the rocks in my dryer event as well! how funny :O)