Monday, January 15, 2007


Our water on the acreage is hard. The previous owners took every measure possible to ensure that the drinking water is drinkable, and that the rest of the water is as soft as it can possibly be. But, it is still hard. The reason I know this is because: a) my hair is struggling to be as lustrous, full and healthy-looking as it used to be; and b) my skin is excessively dry, my lips are more chapped than usual, and eczema has begun to emerge on most parts of my body.

The last time I had eczema this bad is when I was pregnant with Mitchell (first pregnancy). Because I was pregnant, the doctor could not prescribe the regular cortisone treatment that she normally would have, because of the potential risks to the baby. So she suggested some over-the-counter solutions, including a product called Glaxal Base (it didn't work), and Aveeno. She also made a referral to a dermatologist for me.

I took immediate action and purchased the over-the-counter remedies, starting with Glaxal Base, followed by Aveeno. Well, Aveeno worked wonders! I was very impressed with their basic body-lotion (this was basically the only product in their line back in 1999). By the time my appointment with the dermatologist was made (several weeks later), I was happy to report that I didn't need a dermatologist anymore because Aveeno did the trick! My eczema was gone!

Over the years I've used other skin care products, and of-late I've been a Mary Kay girl. I started out as a consultant, but due to some serious family issues I was dealing with, running my own business became low on my list of priorities, so I opted to become a personal-use consultant only. This means that in order to keep my status, I have to place an order every 6 months, and evidently my status is almost null and void (I think I've got one month left before I must order again). If I just ordered the basic skincare that wouldn't set me back so much financially, but I have to put out close to $300 every 6 months just to keep my status. Right now I don't have an extra $300 kicking around to order skincare and make-up.

So, since I wasn't able to place a Mary Kay order in December and I was running out of skincare (i.e. cleanser, toner, moisturizer, etc.), I decided to give the Aveeno skincare line a try. And boy am I glad I did! It isn't the most inexpensive skincare line there is, but so far it's been worth every penny.

I've started out with the Ultra Calming line, which is specifically designed for sensitive skin. But today I found out there's an age-defying line available as well, and since I'm hitting that age where I am going to start to be considered "middle-aged" (by some people), I think that anything to slow down the aging process is a bonus. This is a topic for another post, perhaps, but what do you consider to be middle-aged? Just wondering.

The thing I like about the Aveeno skincare line is that I like my skin so much now that I could actually venture out into the world without applying foundation. That's huge to me, because foundation is one thing I rarely go without. But the Aveeno products have helped my skin so much that I don't think I need foundation. And the Aveeno Daily Moisturizing lotion is slowly but surely taking care of my nasty eczema. Yes, slowly but surely. These products don't work overnight, but with consistent application and patience, they will do their job (at least for me they will).

Now, after that promo, I think Aveeno should seek me out for a testimonial. I love Aveeno! The products I'm currently using are listed below. For more information on these and other Aveeno products, visit

ULTRA-CALMING - A line of facial care products that release the calming properties of feverfew, a natural ingredient related to chamomile, to visibly reduce redness and calms sensitive skin for healthy, beautiful skin.

DAILY MOISTURIZING - A line of body care products that are enriched with natural colloidal oatmeal and moisture-rich emollients to moisturize and soothe dry skin...for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts.


Carol said...

Since you sold Mary Kay, how is the price for Aveeno products compared to the catalogue price for comparable Mary Kay products? I'm happy with my Mary Kay skincare line, but if Aveeno is cheaper and just as good, I might consider switching.

Kimmy said...

Actually, the Aveeno line is less expensive for catalog pricing (about $44.00 plus tax for cleansing and moisturizer), whereas Mary Kay is $65.00 plus tax for cleansing, toning and moisturizing (Timewise line), plus an additional $90 for the "Miracle Set" products (day solution & night solution). So, Aveeno is less expensive, but as far as I can tell there is no product to act as a toner, so if that's important to you, the MK line may be better (Timewise 3-in-1 Cleanser has toner incorporated into it). I haven't priced out the age-defying Aveeno products yet, but I'm assuming they'd run around the same price as the products I'm currently using. Hope that helps, Carol.

Becky said...

Hmmmm... I may give it a try. I have, how to describe this, really really dry itchy skin. I've actually scarred up my arms pretty badly itching myself. I'll pretty much try anything, so this one is next on my list.

Sheila said...

I have been using Mary Kay timewise for years, but I thought I would use the Aveeno Ageless Moisturizer, cleanser, and night cream. I have been using it for a week now and I love it so far. I use to get dry red blotches by my nose and so far I haven't seen any thing. Mary Kay also kept that away, but Aveeno is working like the Mary Kay did and it's cheaper

Pearl Anuradha said...

Aveeno one of the best moisturizer for glowy skin, my favorite one too.