Friday, November 17, 2006


Since November 17th was the day for our buyer to have all conditions removed, and with almost absolute certainty that the deal was proceeding successfully, we headed off to Fuddruckers for what we hoped would be a celebration supper. (Fuddruckers is one of our favorite restaurants). As we were waiting in line (a very long line) to order, we received the call from our realtor to make it official. Our house is sold! We were almost jumping for joy right there in the restaurant. Now, I can say it. HALLELUJAH!

We're all letting this soak in. After supper we went to The Home Depot to check into some paint colors for the interior of the house. I love checking this stuff out, but it's actually becoming a bit overwhelming to think of all the choices I have for colors and making sure everything is going to look great once I've finished my painting projects. I'm so excited. Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming.

Tomorrow reality will set in as we start on some heavy-duty packing. I'm not looking forward to it, but it must be done. Possession date for the acreage is TBA, but will likely be around December 8th. Wow! That's soon!


Becky said...

Congrats! That is so exciting... Except for the packing. Packing sucks.

Melissa said...

Ohhh the packing. I hate packing. I've done it WAY too much over the last couple years.

But you get to move into a new house. That should make all the packing worth it. And you get to pick paint colors, arrange furniture, decorate. I'm jealous.

Soooo jealous.