Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Re-Discovery of My Curling Iron

For anyone who knows me "in person", an accurate description of my physical appearance for the majority of my life would be "big hair". Well the days of the 80's are over, but unfortunately for me, I was trapped in a hair time warp well into the 90's as well, and it wasn't until recently that I forgo the big hair trap. In the last few years it hasn't been as "big" but I must admit, I do like volume.

My wonderful hairdresser has transformed my once "big" hair into a sleek, sophisticated style. I love her ability to make me look good without me thinking that I need big hair.

As I've mentioned before on this blog, we don't have the greatest water here on our acreage. It's very hard, and even though we've got a water-softener, my hair and skin have still been suffering. It's getting better, but I'm still not always that impressed with the way my hair turns out. Yes, Jilla, I know it's time for me to come see you to do your magic, but it's not as easy to get to you as it used to be (due to distance, schedule, etc.).

So, the other day I decided to drag out my curling iron, which I haven't used in over a year. I've been using a round brush and blow-dryer to style my hair of late, but I decided to see what magic my curling iron could do. Well, I'm totally impressed with the results. It's given my hair the appearance of being fuller and bouncier, maybe even more healthy-looking!

I still like the sleek sophisticated style that I've been working on, but adding a few curls here and there has definitely made things better for the time being anyway.

Sorry, no pictures. I really don't want any analysis done on this. I'm too self-conscious about my hair to begin with, so I don't need the whole world giving me their opinion right now.

I hope you're having a great hair day!


Becky said...

LOL. I never do my hair anymore. I got a perm so I wouldn't have to. I'm hoping once the boys are a little older I'll start taking a little better care of myself... My appearance in particular is really suffering lately... Sigh. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Haha Kim! I must comment, since my name is in your blog. I think a few curls in there would look FAB! And yes, heat smooths out the cuticle of the hair and makes it shinier - thus the healthier "appearance". You will get used to the water eventually, and then hate everyone else's water!

I still have some openings during the Easter break...


Good to see you blogging again!

Susannah said...

I still use hot curlers to add bounce and body to my hair. Somedays I go stylish and sleek, but really, like you, I prefer my "big hair" look!

Kimmy said...

Becky: Yes, one day you will have more time to spend on your hair. Your boys are pretty little right now and I remember back in those days I didn't always look that great. But guess what? I had happy boys, because they got lots of attention from their mommy, as I know yours do as well.
Jilla: Easter breaks sounds good. I'll be in touch.
E-mom: I've never tried hot curlers, but I used to use velcro rollers EVERY DAY (that was in the pre-baby days, when I had the time to spend fussing with my hair). I love velcro rollers. I just don't have the time to deal with that anymore. The curling iron is a bit faster.
Thanks for the comments, ladies!

Anonymous said...

You are about the cutest thing! If your hair now looks anything like in your picture there to the right - it's quite cute!
Very sweet blog. Hope you don't mind me 'stopping by'..........
Kristy in Oregon