Saturday, January 6, 2007

I am slowly going crazy . . . 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 SWITCH! Slowly going, crazy am I . . . 6, 5, 4, 3 ,2, 1, SWITCH!

**Note: My title for this post comes from a song I learned as a child. You keep singing the same lines over and over, faster and faster, until you can't sing anymore. Anyone else familiar with this little tune? I've been singing it quite a bit in the past month or so. . .

I'm having a bit of a bad day. My 7 and 5 year old boys came very close to pushing me over the edge today. Wayne is putting them to bed right now (this rarely happens . . .
unless I'm about to lose my sanity because of their behavior). I decided to take advantage of my freedom and write a blog post.

My new stove just arrived (yes, I've been without a stove/oven since December 20th!), and so I decided that I'd "make up for lost time" today and do a tonne of baking. I managed to accomplish that, but not without a lot of fighting, running around, beckons for mommy, overall disobedience and a lot of noise in the background all day, emulating from my children.

I started painting my kitchen last night (I wanted to paint behind the stove before it was installed). Today I wanted to continue painting, and of course I had big plans to get a large portion of this project completed. But it's a pretty big project in the grand scheme of things . . . the kitchen cupboards, walls, trims and baseboards are all getting new paint. I have a lot of cupboards, and now that I've started I'm not sure if I can endure all the work. I will do it though, because I know that the end result is going to be awesome. But guess who wants to "help" me? Have you ever worked with a seven-year old trying to paint cupboards? Not too fun. So I decided we would work on another kitchen-related project which I anticipated working on after the walls and cupboards were done, which is my kitchen chairs. Mitchell and Ty helped me with this, which was a little less complicated than the cupboards. After they had their fill of "helping mommy with her painting" they left me alone for a while.

The boys have made "forts" out of the empty appliance boxes. Cute. But along with this comes great mess, especially when they start using the Styrofoam packing materials as their swords, tools, furniture, food, and who knows what else! They have very vivid imaginations. And they also have a great ability to make a mess. (Oh, I think I mentioned that one already.) Unfortunately, they don't see it this way and protest when asked to clean up the mess. "But, mom, this is our house! We live here during the day! If we take this down we won't have anywhere to sleep or eat or play." Guess who won this battle? They did. I guess I was just happy that they weren't asking to paint with me anymore.

As I was finishing up my painting project for the day, we discovered that all three of our dogs were missing out of the porch, for who knows how long! The last time they ran away from the acreage, Wayne found them 1/2 a mile down the road headed for the highway! Today they were actually on our property, but of course I first had to waste 20 minutes of my day searching for them on the surrounding roads. I wasn't impressed!

So because of the dogs and the painting delays, supper was later than I had planned, which means the boys had their bath later, and they are getting to bed later than normal, which means Wayne and I are going to have even less time to spend together tonight than I had hoped for!

Sounds like I'm having a pity party. Maybe I am. But you'd cry too if it happened to you . . .

1 comment:

Becky said...

Yes, I would cry too. Actually, I have cried too. I wish I could come help you paint. I love painting.