Sunday, November 12, 2006

Family Nap Time

Today is what I would consider to have been a "Family Day". We went to church this morning. Tyrone helped his dad usher, and he even got to wear an "Usher" pin. He helped hand out bulletins, greet people, hand out the Friendship Books and even handed out the offering bags. I was so proud of him. He's struggling with being in Sunday School, so we decided that he could at least be doing ministry instead of just sitting in the chairs on Sunday morning. He's really excited about helping out his dad. So I guess for the rest of November, our church has its youngest usher ever!

After church we enjoyed a very delicious lunch supplied by my friend Bobbi. She heard that I've been sick and so yesterday she brought over some baking and lasagna. It's all been delicious. I was so encouraged by her servant heart.

After lunch it was time for everyone in the family to have a nap. There are times that my boys just don't get enough sleep, and it catches up on them. They become louder, more hyper and more "fighty" than usual. These are sure indicators that they are sleep-deprived. So we all had a sleep and now as I'm typing this, 4 hours after waking up from the nap, the boys are fighting again. I suppose bedtime is now upon us.

After nap time was over, we watched a movie together and then the boys helped me wash up lunch and supper dishes (I washed, they dried) and they've been playing quite nicely since then, up until now. Now the fighting has started and I must sign off so that they can get to bed.

Tomorrow is a day off from school and I'm babysitting for my best friend for a large part of the day, so hopefully everyone can "keep it together" long enough that there are no injuries or mental breakdowns.

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