Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Beautiful Jesus

Quoting from Ann Voskamp at A Holy Experience:

"Is Jesus merely useful to you — or is He ultimately beautiful to you?
When Jesus is useful to me, I’m looking for a genie in a bottle, to give me the life I want.
When Jesus is beautiful to me, I’m looking for His face in my life, to give Him the love I feel.
When Jesus is merely useful to me, I want Him to move my world.
When Jesus is ultimately beautiful to me, it’s my heart that is moved – and this begins to change the world.
When I see Jesus as useful, he’s a gadget to make my life better. When I see Jesus as beautiful, He’s a joy that makes my heart sing louder….
Am I a Jesus-user?
Or a Jesus-adorer?
. . .  Jesus-user? Am I a user? How does the church stop being a bunch of Jesus-users? When did Jesus become more about business-like benefits to us instead of The Beautiful who calls us Beloved? . . . .
Looking for the beauty of Christ in the everyday isn’t some quaint exercise in poetry. It’s a critical exercise in staying alive.  
Your new life, which is your real life, …. is with Christ.
He is your life.
When Christ (your real life, remember) shows up again on this earth, you’ll show up, too—the real you, the glorious you…”  ~ Colossians 3 MSG."

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