Friday, September 7, 2012

Subbing, Curriculum and Renovations

Today I am thankful for . . .

764.  The gift of An Opportunity to Sub Today.  One week into my job and I'm already getting extra hours.  An extra bonus is that I got to work with the older students for most of the day.  I've really been missing them this week, so it was great to reconnect.

765.  The gift of Our Homeschooling Curriculum.  I'm not sure if it's the fact that I've finally made some appropriate curriculum choices for us, or if it's just the fact that we're now more experienced with this whole homeschooling life, but this year seems to be way less stressful in comparison to the start of our school year last year, and the year previous, when Mitchell began homeschooling after Christmas.  I'm just feeling really good about how the year has begun . . . the boys are doing great in all subject areas thus far; they haven't been fighting much, and we're staying on-top of stuff in the house too, which is a bonus.

766.  The gift of More Supplies to Continue the Renovations for our new bathroom.  It's slowly happening.  Tomorrow Wayne will be working on the plumbing so that that my washer and dryer can be relocated, and we may even have some new walls up.  I'm so grateful that my husband has skills and that my dad is willing to help out with the project when possible as well.

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