Thursday, August 16, 2012

The End is Where We Begin

Today I am thankful for . . .

695.  The gift of Mitchell's Opportunity to go to the lake for a couple of days with one of his best friends.

696.  The gift of Spending One-on-One time with Ty while Mitchell was gone.  This very rarely happens, but I think I'm going to have to start implementing a parent-son day on a regular basis.  It's nice to spend time with your kids one-on-one every now-and-then, don't you agree?

697.  The gift of A Gift Card to Scott's Parable (a Christian gift/book store) which I received for my birthday.  I used it today to buy a canvas painting for our entranceway, which says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"; a compact Bible (so that I can fit it into my purse); a new book, called Eleven, by Leonard Sweet; and some interesting music (recommended by Ty), which is Thousand Foot Krutch's CD, "The End is Where We Begin".  After listening to the album with Ty a few times today, I'm not sure I'm convinced it's my kind of music; however, he is really enjoying it and I know Mitchell will too, and really, that's all that matters, since I essentially bought it for them.  I can tolerate my boys' music choices if it makes them happy.

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