Sunday, January 29, 2012

Have I Ever Mentioned?

Today I am thankful for . . .

85.  The gift of Alaska's Successful Delivery of her Puppies!  At the time of this post, she's had four pups; that could change, but I would be surprised if she had more.  I'll post pictures later this week.  This litter is especially special, because we are giving one of the puppies to my niece E, who has wanted a puppy for a very long time.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love dogs, especially puppies?  Well, I do

86.  The gift of Brunch at Church with Amazing Women.  During our time together we focused our thoughts on 1 John, the book full of "love" images.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love the women in my church?  Well, I do.

87.  The gift of Being On-Track with a Schedule; in this case, tomorrow is semester turn-around day in our school division.  We are actually ahead of schedule with homeschooling and that is fantastic!  It means my boys will likely be done all their work by the end of May if they continue working at the rate they have been up until now.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love the fact that I have the opportunity to teach my own children?  Well, I do.

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