Sunday, November 11, 2007


Here are some puppy pictures . . . the pups are so much cuter now that they've got black noses, dark eyes and tonnes of hair! They're 6 weeks old now and I'll be looking for families to adopt them within the next couple of weeks.

They're the sweetest things I ever did see!

(Click on a picture to enlarge the collage.)


Stacey said...

too bad we don't live closer. anysa will get her promised puppy in 2 months when she turns 6.

cute puppies, cuter kids!

Karla Porter Archer said...

aaawwwwwww they are so cute!!!! (kids and puppies!)

I'm trying to catch up with my blog reading. I've got the last few of yours on my screen to read in a bit. But I wanted to stop over and say hi and hope all is well with you!!


Kristy said...

OH Oh oh !!!!
So cute! Is it hard to give them all up?? I would want to keep each and every one of them!
Been thinking about ya.

Susannah said...

Oh... so cute. Love these pics. Thanks for posting them for us. Hugs, e-Mom :~D