Saturday, July 7, 2007


Have I ever mentioned that my favorite number is SEVEN? I'm sure I have. But I just wanted to remind everyone of that today, since the numerical date is 07-07-07.

I'm not superstitious. I don't put my trust in number combinations. But I just happen to love today's date.




photo credit:


Beba said...

Cute. God bless your day today and your family :)

Amy said...

My favorite number has always been 7 - seven too! Hope your weekend is going well!

Becky said...

I just noticed today that my parent's church mailbox number is seven. Lucky them! Of course... Their Co-op number is 66613 soooo... Good thing they aren't superstitious either!

My favorite number is four. I have no reason.

Sonya said...

Thanks for the birthday wish! As you can imagine, I am rather partial to the number 7 as well. I've always been rather proud of the fact that my birthday is such a perfect number...

Krazy Kelsey said...

That's funny! My favorite number is seven too! I don't know why but it's just such an awesome #. And obviously you would agree with that!

Susannah said...

VERY cool! I never even noticed 7-7-07. Thanks! :~)

Kim said...

Wow I get to be the seventh one! A friend of mine had his 17th birthday at 7:00pm on 07/07/07. Cool eh. I don't have a favorite number or anything, but I prefer everything even. Have a great weekend. Hope to chat with you again soon.